Remedies for the wounded soulDripping salty water Between the loopholes- Leaking deeper and deeperMar 14, 2021Mar 14, 2021
Dear Cambridge, today, I officially let you go!Dear Cambridge, today, I officially let you go! It’s been almost two years since I struggled for my Master’s course plan. What made me so…Feb 10, 2021Feb 10, 2021
Vegan Survival on the IslandI am back again to the island in the eastern part of Indonesia since last year during the outbreak. It was such a challenging situation to…Feb 2, 2021Feb 2, 2021
Journey on finding my true soul while living off grid with coastal community in LamaleraIt’s been awhile I have been living with the community in Lamalera but it’s hard to tell how my feelings were at the very first time to be…Jan 27, 2021Jan 27, 2021